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分类:科幻片 科幻  灾难  美国2009

更新:2023-12-24T05:23:59 - HD

主演:约翰·库萨克  阿曼达·皮特  切瓦特·埃加福  坦迪·牛顿  奥利弗·普莱特  汤姆·麦卡锡  伍迪·哈里森  丹尼·格洛弗  连姆·詹姆斯  摩根·莉莉  扎特科·巴瑞克  毕崔斯·罗森  Alexandre Haussmann  Philippe Haussmann  乔翰·厄布  约翰·比灵斯列  黄经汉  周逸之  张铮  卢燕  布鲁·曼库马  乔治·席格  帕特里克·波查  吉米·米斯特雷  瑞安·麦克唐纳德  玛丽莲·江恩  区亨利  



罗兰·艾默里奇导演执导的《2012英语》,2009 年上映,由约翰·库萨克  阿曼达·皮特  切瓦特·埃加福  坦迪·牛顿  奥利弗·普莱特  汤姆·麦卡锡  伍迪·哈里森  丹尼·格洛弗  连姆·詹姆斯  摩根·莉莉  扎特科·巴瑞克  毕崔斯·罗森  Alexandre Haussmann  Philippe Haussmann  乔翰·厄布  约翰·比灵斯列  黄经汉  周逸之  张铮  卢燕  布鲁·曼库马  乔治·席格  帕特里克·波查  吉米·米斯特雷  瑞安·麦克唐纳德  玛丽莲·江恩  区亨利  等主演的2012英语在美国发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,2012英语手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。一部不错的英语科幻片。

太阳活动异常,地球内部的能量平衡系统面临崩溃,玛雅人的预言即将实现,人类将遭遇灭顶之灾。各国政府已经联手开始秘密制造方舟,希望能躲过这一浩劫。以写科幻小说谋生的杰克逊(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)在带孩子们到黄石公园渡周末时发生一连串怪事,而且遇到了神经兮兮的查理(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰),查理告诉他世界末日即将来临。伴随着火山爆发,强烈地震以及海啸,杰克逊带领自己的家人驾驶一架临时租来的飞机冲出被死神阴霾瞬间笼罩的城市上空,开始寻找查理口中各国政府正在联合秘密制造的方舟。在生死攸关的时刻,一些伟大的鬼魂将脱颖而出,而一些自私的心灵将无所遁形,当千千万万个生灵通过各种方法来到方舟制造基地之时,方舟有限的容纳数量引发前所未有的恐慌。最终,仅存的人们用互爱和对生命的尊重渡过了难关。  本片被称为《后天》的升级版,投资超过2亿美元,是灾难片大师罗兰·艾默里奇(Roland Emmerich)的最新力作。。

一起看影院(https://www.ruguojiaoyu.com)为您提供的《2012英语》 HD、BD、720p,1080p,1280p免费高清在线观看地址,以及相关的剧情简介、演员、导演、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等信息均由互联网上面收集整理而来,以及《2012英语》的观后评论等内容。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解






This action-packed disaster film will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The story follows a group of people trying to survive a global catastrophe, and it's both thrilling and heart-wrenching to watch their journey unfold. John Cusack delivers a compelling performance as a father trying to protect his family, while Chiwetel Ejiofor shines as a scientist trying to save humanity. The visual effects are stunning, making every scene feel realistic and intense. Director Roland Emmerich's direction keeps the tension high and the stakes even higher. "2012" is a must-watch for any movie lover.


"2012" is an epic disaster film that will leave you on the edge of your seat until the very end. The plot is well-written and the performances are outstanding, with standout performances from John Cusack and Woody Harrelson. The special effects are jaw-dropping, bringing the destruction to life in vivid detail. Director Roland Emmerich's direction is masterful, creating a sense of urgency and desperation that keeps you invested in the characters' survival. The music adds to the emotional impact of the film. Don't miss this thrilling ride.


A visually stunning film with a powerful message,《Avatar》is a cinematic experience like no other. The CGI effects are breathtaking and bring the alien world of Pandora to life in a mesmerizing way. Director James Cameron expertly blends together action, romance, and environmental themes in this epic adventure. The score adds an extra layer of emotion to this already visually stunning film.


This action-packed disaster film will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The story follows a group of people trying to survive a global catastrophe, and it's both thrilling and heart-wrenching to watch their journey unfold. John Cusack delivers an excellent performance as a father trying to protect his family, while Chiwetel Ejiofor shines as a scientist trying to save humanity. The visual effects are stunning, making every scene feel realistic and intense. Director Roland Emmerich's direction is masterful, creating a sense of urgency and tension that keeps you hooked until the very end. "2012" is a must-see for fans of action and disaster films.


A heartwarming coming-of-age story, 《Moonrise Kingdom》 is a whimsical and charming film that will leave you with a smile on your face. The young cast delivers delightful performances, perfectly capturing the innocence and awkwardness of adolescence. Director Wes Anderson's signature style shines through in every frame, making this film visually stunning and emotionally resonant. The soundtrack adds a nostalgic touch to this already enchanting tale.


"2012" is an epic disaster film that will leave you on the edge of your seat with its intense action and emotional story. The performances are top-notch, with standout performances from John Cusack and Amanda Peet. The special effects are mind-blowing, making every scene feel realistic and intense. Director Roland Emmerich's direction is masterful, keeping the pace fast-paced and the tension high throughout. The music adds to the emotional impact of the film. Don't miss this thrilling ride.


《Skyfall》 is a thrilling and action-packed addition to the James Bond franchise. Daniel Craig gives a commanding performance as 007, while Javier Bardem is delightfully sinister as the villain. The film's direction is slick and stylish, with breathtaking action sequences that will have you on the edge of your seat. The iconic Bond theme adds an extra layer of nostalgia to this already fantastic film.


《The Great Gatsby》 is a visually stunning adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel. Leonardo DiCaprio gives a captivating performance as the enigmatic Jay Gatsby, while Carey Mulligan shines as Daisy Buchanan. The film's direction perfectly captures the opulence and decadence of the roaring twenties, while the soundtrack adds a modern twist to this timeless story.


This disaster film is nothing short of spectacular. The plot is well-written and the performances are outstanding, with standout performances from John Cusack and Amanda Peet. The visual effects are breathtaking, bringing the destruction to life in vivid detail. Director Roland Emmerich's direction is spot on, creating a sense of urgency and desperation that keeps you invested in the characters' survival. The soundtrack adds to the emotional impact of the film. "2012" is a must-watch for any movie lover.


With its clever plot twists and stellar performances,《Gone Girl》is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end. Rosamund Pike gives a chilling performance as Amy Dunne, while Ben Affleck brings his A-game as her husband Nick. The film's direction is sharp and keeps you on the edge of your seat, while the score adds an extra layer of tension to this already intense ride.


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